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#!/usr/bin/perl # open ALL, $ARGV[0] or die "Can't open file $ARGV[0]!"; while (<ALL>) { chomp; next unless /^(GCF|GCA)/; my @data = split /\t/, $_; $data[8] =~ s/strain=//; # infraspefic_name my $strain = $data[8]; $data[7] =~ s/ $strain$//; # remove redundant strain name my $name = $data[7] . ' ' . $data[8]; $name .= $data[15] if $name =~ /^\S+ \S+ $/; # add asm_name if required $name =~ s/:/-/g; $name =~ s/\s+/_/g; $name =~ s/;.*$//; # remove semicolon and following information $name =~ s/\//_/; $name =~ s/_$//; my @temp = split /\//, $data[19]; $key = pop @temp; $key2name{$key} = $name; print $key, "\t", $name, "\n"; }
#!/usr/bin/perl # # $ARGV[0] : id2name file # GCF_000015065.1_ASM1506v1 Bt_str._Al_Hakam # GCF_000092165.1_ASM9216v1 Bt_BMB171 # ... # $ARGV[1] : fna file # GCF_000015065.1_ASM1506v1_genomic.fna # open ALL, $ARGV[0] or die "Can't open file $ARGV[0]!"; while (<ALL>) { chomp; my @data = split /\t/, $_; $key2name{$data[0]} = $data[1]; } my @temp = split /_/, $ARGV[1]; my $suffix = pop @temp; my $accession = $temp[0] . '_' . $temp[1]; $suffix =~ /^.+\.(.+)$/; $end = $1; $key = join '_', @temp; #print $key, " ", $key2name{$key}, " ", $end, "\n"; $file = $key2name{$key} . '_' . $accession . '.' . $end; print "$ARGV[1] ===> $file\n"; system("cp $ARGV[1] $file") if defined $file;
#!/usr/bin/bash # argument (FtpPath_RefSeq) example # # # How to run: # while read path; do bash ./THIS_SCRIPT; done < download_path.txt TARGET_DIR=download # Modify 'genomic.gbff.gz' as you want! DOWNLOAD_PATH=$(echo $1 | sed -r 's|(\/)(GC._.+)|\1\2\/\2_genomic.gbff.gz|') FILE=${DOWNLOAD_PATH##*/} MD5SUM_FILE=${1}/md5checksums.txt wget ${MD5SUM_FILE} grep ${FILE} md5checksums.txt > $$checksum.txt wget ${DOWNLOAD_PATH} md5sum -c $$checksum.txt if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo ${FILE} download OK! Moving to ${TARGET_DIR}... mv ${FILE} $TARGET_DIR else echo ${FILE} download FAIL! echo ${DOWNLOAD_PATH} >> failed_download.txt fi rm md5checksums.txt* $$checksum.txt
custom_scripts.1688000438.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/29 10:00 by hyjeong