====== ALSA PCM device names ====== arecord/aplay에서 녹음이나 재생을 할 때 '-D PCM_NAME' 파라미터를 이용하여 사용할 장치를 지정하게 된다. 여기에 쓸 수 있는 이름은 무엇이 있는가? 오디오 기기가 여럿 있으면 어떻게 해야 하는가? 이것이 생각보다 까다롭다. 반면 'parec -d' 명령은 탭 자동완성 기능에 의해 사용 가능한 기기를 보여므로 매우 편리한 면이 있다.
-l, --list-devices
    List all soundcards and digital audio devices
-L, --list-pcms
    List all PCMs defined
-D, --device=NAME
    Select PCM by name
[[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/270083/using-aplay-and-choose-which-output-on-card-to-use|Using aplay and choose which output on card to use]] [[https://superuser.com/questions/53957/what-do-alsa-devices-like-hw0-0-mean-how-do-i-figure-out-which-to-use|What do ALSA devices like “hw:0,0” mean? How do I figure out which to use?]] [[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/96025/alsa-jack-card-and-device-names-different-naming-conventions|Alsa & JACK - card and device names (different naming conventions)]] [[https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc#The_naming_of_PCM_devices|[Asoundrc] The naming of PCM devices]] [[https://alsa.opensrc.org/Asoundrc|[Alsa Opensrc Org] .asoundrc]] [[https://www.volkerschatz.com/noise/alsa.html|A closer look at ALSA]]